Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Devil's Trumpets" at an ancient Turkish mosque.

Datura metel (Devil's trumpet). Photograph by Gustavo Thomas (October, 2008)

I found this flower at a garden just aside of an ancient Turkish mosque, in Harbin, China.
One more time, Tomoe, told me the name of this flower: "Datura metel", known as "Devil's Trumpet".

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Dahlias: Flowers, flowers, with a wonderful red velvet color in Harbin, China.

After a long long period of time I'm back with some very nice pics of wonderful flowers I found nearby an early 20th Century Turkish mosque in Harbin, Northeast China.

I was very surprised when I saw for first time that red velvet color, amazing!

If someone knows the name of these flowers I'll be very pleased to let me know it.

Thanks to my blog-friend Tomoe I could know the name of this flower: Dahlia!

Gustavo Thomas. Get yours at