Monday, November 24, 2008

Tropical flowers at Loboc River, Bohol island (Philippines)

Loboc river is in the middle of Bohol Island (South of Philippines), surrounded by the jungle you can see many beautiful flowers over its riverside...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

"Bird of Paradise" flower in Bohol island, Philippines.

Loboc River, Bohol island, Philippines.

"Bird of Paradise" by Gustavo Thomas.Philippines. (November 2008)

Bird of paradise
Ave del paraíso
Oiseau du paradise

I found this flower on the riverside of Loboc river, during a trip from Loboc town to Nuts Huts jungle resort. Bohol Island, Philippines. November, 2008.

Please, if some of you think I'm wrong about the name of the flower in the photograph, just make it notice in a comment and I'll try to correct the name as soon as possible. I love to photograph flowers but I'm absolutely ignorant about their names. Thanks.

Gustavo Thomas. Get yours at