Sunday, December 28, 2008

Yellow Cosmos flower at Chocolate Hills, Philippines

Yellow Cosmos at Chocolate Hills, Bohol island.

I found this Yellow Cosmos flower going up to one of the hundreds of Chocolate Hills in Bohol Island, Philippines.

I thought it was a Yellow Daisy but my friend Tomoe told thta I was wrong. Thanks, Tomoe.

Monday, December 22, 2008

A Bougainvillea in Bonsai technique...

I found this bizarre experiment at the terrace of the Church Museum in Loboc town, Bohol island, Philippines. Novemeber, 2008.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bougainvillea (Bugambilia) at Loboc town, Philippines.

Bougainvillea at Loboc town, Bohol island.

We love this tree and his flower in Mexico...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sayote's flower (Philippines)

Probably its flower is not as interesting and beautiful as its fruit is, but it is worth watching it. Its name is Sayote (a Filipino native word I guess...). I founded it on my way to the Chocolate Hills, in Bohol Island, Philippines.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Hibiscus at Nuts Huts...

Nuts Huts's Hibiscus (Flor de Isis)

Hibiscus at Nuts Huts, Philippines (by Gustavo Thomas. Nov 2008)

Nuts Huts Hotel is situated in the jungle of Bohol island, South Philippines. This Hibiscus flower were exactly in front of our hut.

(Thanks to my friend Tomoe I realized that the name of this flower was not Lily. Thanks again, Tomoe.)

Gustavo Thomas. Get yours at